MID YEAR GOAL RESET - Overcoming obstacles in a goal you have stopped working on


Often we get stuck and we can’t move forward ourselves.  This is where external people or a coach, can help you get out of your own head and way. It's said to be around 75% of the time that we are holding ourselves back in something. 

It's easy to let a goal slide, but is that REALLY what will make you feel proud at the end of the year? 

Imagine when you achieve it and thought back to the time you were doubting yourself, or wanted to quit and YOU DIDN'T! You perservered and now have a new strength and fulfilment having achieved it!

Let's help you get to that incredible feeling!  

Here are some questions to help you work through a goal you want to take the next steps forward on. 


  • WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? (Write out goal and the By-When you want to achieve it) 
  • What’s really stopping you achieve your goal? 

  • Are any of the reasons for the above, things you have made up? (Stories, false beliefs?)

  • Next to the list of 'what's stopping you' write next to each thing, what you could do to overcome those blocks? 
  • What would you need to believe about yourself in order to achiever your goal? Eg. I have achieved a goal similar yet bigger before, so I know I am capable of this.

  • Who else can support you to achieve this goal?

  • What will it mean to you to achieve it?

  • What will it mean if you stay EXACTLY where you are?

  • What are 3 actions you can take this week to move forward on your goal?


Once you have these answers - I'd love to hear about the action you take. 

If you want a little further help with your goal strategy or setting up your positive beliefs so you can have a greater confidence in acheiving the goal, get in touch. 


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