The 3 top questions on how to build your financial wealth in your 20’s and 30’s

This week we met with Rachel, Co-Founder of The Oysta ( who has built a business to inspire, educate and empower people in their 20’s and 30’s to grow their wealth and manage their money like a boss.

Do you ever feel like you want to learn more to manage your money so you can travel with your passport more?

We love The Oysta for sharing some seriously top advice that can turn you into a financial ninja with an apartment deposit in no time, while never missing out on the fun in life. They are passionate people and have walked the talk. Watch this space for a blog article by The Oysta on Why setting goals is so important to financial success.

We love her infectious energy and were inspired by what she has done in her 20’s with her money and it all comes down to education and taking an interest.  So we want to share her wisdom, game changer tips and tricks for you to achieve your financial goals as powerfully as she is.



Do you have say 3 practical tips on saving for those of us in our 20’s and 30’s? 


- Know exactly where your money is going 

- Eliminate the things that don't matter from your budget so you can spend on the things that do matter

- Automate your budget with multiple bank accounts so you save on auto pilot. Check out our article on how to automate your budget here:


What is your favourite tool: this could be an app, a book? or something else that's really helped you learn and save money for things that you value?

 Rachel: The first finance book I read which is still a favorite is: Rich dad, poor dad as it helped me think about money and investments differently.


Rachel: One of my favorite quotes is: "Don't save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving". As it's a reminder to put your goals first and create habits to help you achieve those goals. 


How do people learn more to keep their financial learning going? 

Rachel: For more inspo visit


Thanks Rachel, we love your advice and look forward to your upcoming blog article.


The Oysta

Financial Wealth for people in their 20’s and 30’s

Facebook/Instagram: @theoysta1


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