The Big Life Goalsetting & Accountability Formula - Terms & Conditions

The Big Life Goalsetting & Accountability Formula 

Accountability membership – Big Life – Initial

"MGS" (My Goal Squad) will provide:

  1. 1.5 hour 1 on 1 Goal Setting Setup Session

This session will setup your vision, goals, values and mindset for the next 12 months to kick off the program.  You will have monthly and weekly actions documented in your goal sheet that designed to help you achieve your one year goals.


  1. 12 weeks of Accountability Membership

30 minute weekly accountability calls for 12 weeks.  The time and day each week, and the start and finish dates are all to be agreed between you and MGS and confirmed via email. This weekly personal coaching call will be based around your goal sheet which you are responsible for updating before each call.


  1. 5 Year Book

The 5 Year Book contains stories, tools and resources to help you with visioning your dream life, setting goals and providing inspiration.  The 5 Year Book will be sent to the postal address nominated by you.


  1. Motivational Mirror Stickers

A collection of stickers to use to write your goals on and keep them visible every day.

Full Payment is to be paid and received by MGS 48 hours before the agreed date of the 1 on 1 Goal Coaching session.


Accountability Membership – Big Life – Renewal

Renewal of accountability membership can be agreed by email and these terms and conditions will continue to apply for the duration of any renewal period.  The renewal fee for membership will be based on the price current at the time of renewal and is required to be paid and received by MGS 48 hours before the date of the first accountability call of the new membership cycle or the direct debit facility set up to debit the required weekly fee 48 hours before the weekly accountability call.

The accountability membership cannot be renewed beyond 12 months from the last coaching session to establish your 1 year goals and monthly and weekly goals and actions without participating in either a new 1.5 hour 1 on 1 Goal Coaching Session or an Annual Review and Update of Goals Session.


Annual review and update of goals

MGS will provide 1.0 hour of personal goal coaching with an MGS goal coach to be delivered on a date to be agreed and confirmed via email.

In your 1.0 hour session: 

  • Review your vision, goals and mindset, adjust and reconfirm for the next 12 months
  • Break the 12 month goals into monthly goals and actions
  • Break the monthly goals and actions into weekly goals and actions
  • Document your weekly goals and actions into your goal sheet


Payment of $150.00 to be paid and received by MGS 48 hours before the agreed date of the annual review and update session.


Payment terms

Payment for the agreed services is required in advance of the services being provided.  If MGS has not received payment before the date agreed to commence the provision of services MGS will be under no obligation to provide the services and may cancel the commencement of services until payment has been received at no cost to MGS.

Payment for accountability membership renewal may be made up front or by weekly direct debit.  Upfront payments will be provided with a discount as well as additional weeks of membership where bulk purchases are made.

Fees for services may increase from time to time and the required fee for renewal, an annual review and update of goals or a new package or service will be based on the price at the time the client commits to the renewal, review or new package or service.


Section B Additional Terms and Conditions


MGS will perform the services using reasonable skill and care.  We are assisting you to identify and document your goals, to help you determine and document monthly and weekly actions that if completed will help you towards your goals and to provide support and guidance to achieve your goals. 

MGS may provide information based on the experience of the goal coach.  This is information for you to consider and is not to be considered expert advice tailored to your personal situation.  You are responsible for the decisions you make regarding your choice of goals and what you need to do to achieve them.  MGS takes no responsibility for these decisions.  MGS provides the processes and structures for you to make appropriate decisions for yourself.  Where you require additional assistance to make decisions around goals or actions to achieve the goals you may need to seek the services of an appropriately qualified adviser.  MGS may provide you with contacts to appropriately qualified advisers but takes no responsibility for the advice or services they provide.  That is a matter between you and the adviser you engage.

Any marketing or information provided by MGS is for guidance only. MGS has not made any representation that participation in a goal coaching program guarantees success in health, fitness, career or finances. You take responsibility for your setting your goals and for the actions you take to achieve your goals.  As a participant in a MGS program you understand that your success is generated from your mindset, attitude, energy and application.

You shall agree to commit to the process and give your best efforts to meet the requirements of the services.  Where you are an individual on a corporate sponsored or funded service you will respect the commitment of your employer in providing this benefit and you will participate fully in the sponsored or funded program.



Whether on an individual or corporate sponsored or funded program you will complete your initial goal sheet by the time agreed and before your first accountability call.  During the accountability membership period you will keep your goal sheet up to date.  In particular, before your weekly accountability call you will update your goal sheet with details of the activities performed and goals kicked, update the colours on each activity (green – activity completed fully, orange – activity partially completed and list actions still to be completed, red – activity not completed and no progress made) and carry over any uncompleted activities by documenting them as activities to be completed in the following week or a future week that is feasible and you can commit to.  The same process is to be carried out for your monthly goals and activities at the end of each month before the accountability call following the end of the month.



You agree to be available to take your accountability call at the agreed time.  MGS will make all reasonable attempts to contact you but if you are unable to be contacted and 5 minutes has elapsed from the scheduled time you will be deemed to have had your weekly call. 

There will be no refund or reschedule of the accountability call.  MGS at its sole discretion may decide to reinstate an accountability call based on MGS’s acceptance of extraordinary circumstances. 



Accountability calls may be rescheduled with a minimum of 48 hours notice to a time that is mutually convenient.  If no mutually convenient time can be found MGS may at its sole discretion provide you with an additional week at the end of your current accountability membership. 

For each 12 week accountability period the client may have one free reschedule of an accountability call provided the minimum 48 hour notice is given.  Thereafter, additional reschedules will incur a reschedule fee of $15 for each reschedule.  Reschedules within the 48 hour notice period will also incur a reschedule fee of $20.  MGS may reasonably withhold services until the reschedule fee is paid.



For each 12 week accountability period the client may put their accountability membership on hold for two weeks to provide a break for holidays or other necessary reasons.  Only one break per each 12 week period will be allowable unless supported by medical evidence indicating a necessity to put the accountability membership on hold. 

For a holiday break a minimum of 48 hours notice is required.  More advanced noticed would be appreciated.



By agreeing to accept the services provided by MGS you agree that your details, your goals and your achievements will be documented and stored by MGS.  Similarly, if you participate in or complete any surveys provided to you by MGS you agree that the details of your survey responses will be similarly documented and stored by MGS.  Furthermore, you agree that this information may be used in research into the benefits of the services provided by MGS and that this research maybe published.  You also agree that this information may be used in marketing or other forms of publicity or promotional material for MGS’s services.  If MGS chooses to use this information MGS will use this information anonymously and will not disclose your identity without first seeking your permission to do so.



Any package or 1 on 1 session must be used within 12 months from the date of purchase.



Any referrals you send our way, that sign up for a 1.5 hr 1-off coaching session or 12 week Big Life Program, you will receive 1 complimentary 30 min coaching session amongst an extra week of access to My Goal Squad as a “THANK YOU”!